Daily Archives: October 21, 2008

Rozen Maiden #4

Dolls are everywhere now! We started off with one and now there are so many! Can you name them all??

If not that is ok you will hopefully be caught up by the end of this. So we have suiseiseki and souseiseki twins dolls who are fighting and one who is being kidnapped by the other.Now that Suiseiseki has been taken to the Rose Mansion it is up to Jun and his other dolls to go and help her out!

One they get to the mansion after a fairly long trek it is the start of a battle to see what will become of Suiseiseki and Souseiseki’s futures. We also learn about the past of the Mansion’s owner while the fight is going on.This is no small fight and everyone gets a little time to show what they can do. In the end only one half of the twin pair survives!

Side story:

Out of the blue we get a side story that is a look into the world of Jun’s littlest doll Hinaichigo. This is a very cute side story about how Hinaichigo wants to send Jun a letter.

In the last story we are agian introduced to a new doll : Kanaria. She is looking to steal Rosa Mystica’s and trys to get into the house where 3 Rozen Maiden’s just happen to live with Jun. Will she get in? Well if you want to know buy the book… or read my next review 🙂

Mangaka: Peach Pit

Who puts it it out: Tokyo Pop

Where to buy: Just Manga , Amazon

Rated: T (13+)